Collegeport Woman's Club Minutes



Jan 6th 1916

Woman’s Club met at Library Jan 6th. Business meeting Pres. and V. P. being absent. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was chosen chairman. Reports of officers rec’d and accepted. Librarian’s report accepted followed by chairman of Home School who proposed to plant trees etc on school grounds. Each member present gave opinion and suggestions. Chair appointed Mrs. & Mr. Travis, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Judin, Mrs. Morris to arrange for and see to planting trees & bill of 56 cents phone bill in Baby contest was ordered paid. Meeting adjourned.


Jan 20th 1916

Woman’s Club met at reading room Jan 20th 1916. Pres. being absent the V. P. called meeting to order. Min. of previous meeting read. No business. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Van Ness who began the program (Chairman Home & School dept.) Physical Development of the Child, an article contributed by Mrs. Sholl, read by Mrs. Clapp followed by discussion of Miss Sparks and others. Food and Nutrition was read by Mrs. Travis. The Sleep of Children by Mrs.Duckworth. Prof. Persons made remarks and offered service of Miss Simpson on following Thur.

Mrs. Mabel Pine

Feb. 3rd 1916

Woman’s Club met at the home of Mrs. Morris. The Pres. being absent, Mrs. Clapp V. P. opened the meeting. Minutes of previous meeting. A nominating committee was appointed to name candidates for election of officers on Mar. 3rd An invitation from Mrs. Abel Pierce was read to the club to attend banquet at Blessing. Mrs. Corse appointed delegate to represent us. No further business the meeting given over to Mrs. Morris. The Legend of St. Valentine was read by Mrs. Kirkpatrick. The meeting was finished by enjoying a social hour with school children and enjoying a lunch of cocoa and cookies and sandwiches thus making the 2nd annual valentine social.

Mrs. Pine

Feb 17th 1916

Woman’s Club met at reading room Feb 17th 1916. Called to [order] by Pres. minutes read. The insurance of books. Moved and seconded that the Library com. attend to the business. A communication was read from Mrs. E. L. Perry Bay City inviting the mothers to bring babies to Better Babies contest the 9th & 10th of Mar. The meeting was Home Economics in charge of Mrs. Clapp. The first sub. Balanced Ration by Mrs. Sholl. The Balanced Meal by Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Why We Eat Fats and Sugar by Mrs. Van Ness. The Nutritive Value of Food by Mrs. Clapp showed the food values and gave menus of well balanced meals.

Followed by a treat to the club by Mary Louise Clapp of cherry tarts and chocolate fudge and was enjoyed by all present.

Mrs. Mabel Pine

Mar 2nd 1916

Woman’s Club met at library Mar 2nd 1916. Called to order by vice president Mrs. Clapp. A bill of 65 cts was voted to be paid. T. M. Clark also bill of $2.25 voted to be paid W. H. Shubring. A bill of $11.50 was ordered to be paid to J. H. Adams for insurance on books for three years. Chairman of nominating com. reported three candidates for each office after which voting by ballot resulted in the election of Mrs. Kirkpatrick Pres., Mrs. T. C. Morris V. P., Mrs. Clapp Sec. Treas., Mrs. Liggett Cor. Sec., Mrs. Van Ness voted to waive the section of bylaws relating to dues and all vote with understanding of said dues by paid when possible. Mrs. Corse gave an interesting account of banquet at Blessing and Mrs. Fall’s address. Club voted to join the Get-Together Club.


Mar 16th 1916

Woman’s Club met Church Mar 16th 1916. Opened by Pres. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. No business was brought up so the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Van Ness who had charge of St. Patrick Day exercise. After some suitable remarks by Mrs. Van Ness, Miss Lyons read a paper on St. Patrick which gave a good history of the saint. Next a medley of Irish songs was played by Mrs. Van Ness & Mrs. Clapp which was fine. A Sketch of Tom Moore’s Life with selections from his works was given by Mrs. Van Ness. Mrs. Clemens sang an Irish song Where the River Shannon Flows was sung by several. The distribution of an Irish Salad and reading of same was interesting and amusing followed by the singing of I’m a Long Way From Tipperary by choir.


Mrs. Pine

Mar 30th 1916

Woman’s Club met at Reading room Mar 20th. Called to order by Pres. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Walter Wilkinson’s name was presented for membership. She was unanimously voted in as one of us. Moved by Mrs. Van Ness seconded by Mrs. Clapp to send Mrs. Kirkpatrick as our delegate to Brenham.

Voted to take action on having passenger car cleaned on RR by the Pres. addressing the Brownsville Supt. with a request that it be attended.

Meeting turned over to Mrs. Liggett who had charge of program, Bible as Literature. After good remarks on subjects Mrs. Kahnt read an article on the value of good literature in the home which was good. The Bible in the Public School by Mrs. Pine followed by the reading of ___ of great men on the Bible. Several made good short talks on subject and closed on interesting program.

Mabel H. Pine

Rec. Sec.

Apr 13th 1916

Woman’s Club met at Library Apr 13th 1916 called to order by Pres. Minutes read. Mrs. Liggett read a letter from Mrs. Griffith in regard to year books. Voted to each one pay 5 ct. postage on their year book. Voted to pay 22 ct postage bill to Cor. Sec. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was appointed to arrange for an entertainment to help out the club. Voted to serve lunch at the Sholl on election day.


Mabel H. Pine

Rec. Sec.

Apr 27th 1916

Woman’s Club met at reading room Apr 27th. Called to order by Pres. Mrs. Kirkpatrick reported favorably on entertainment submitted a full report which the club voted to accept and do our part. Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Sholl & Mrs. Nelson was appointed advertising com. The meeting was the last meeting of Home School in charge of Mrs. Van Ness who took charge and made remarks suitable to sub[ject]. Measuring the Intelligence of Children by Mrs. Herbage was good. Scientific Helps in Investigating the Intellect of the Child by Mrs. Van Ness. Mrs. Heisy made a good talk on the Age of Children. Mother’s Responsibility by Mrs. Travis closed program.

Mabel H. Pine

May 11th 1916

Woman’s Club met at Library May 11th 1916. Called to order by Pres. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Club voted to have Musical program on evening of Collegeport Day. Voted to accept Art. III Con[stitution] to read Treas. whose duty shall be to have charge over all moneys of this organization and to disburse same at request of 2/3 of the voting members present at the meeting. Also voted to accept Art. I. Sec. 1 Meetings. The reg. meeting shall be the 2nd and 4th Thur. in each month also voted to accept Art. I Sec 2 to read The Club shall hold 2 reg. gen bus. meetings each year. Art. I. Sec 1 The Bylaws may be amended at any reg. meeting by the majority of those present and voting.

Home Economic was the Program in charge of Mrs. Travis who chose the peanut for sub. After an interesting program consisting of articles on peanut raising and the uses of peanut oil meal and cake samples of which were displayed. Mrs. Travis, Kirkpatrick and Clapp served a delicious lunch which practically demonstrated the value of the peanut and was enjoyed by all present.

Mabel H. Pine

Secretary’s Report for Year 1916-1917

June 8, 1916

The Collegeport Woman’s Club met at the Library June 8th.

Members present 10

Guests present 12

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Amendment as read “The regular annual election shall be held on the 4th Thursday in February.” Voted on and passed.

Reports of officers and chairmen of standing committees were given and approved.

Proceeds of recital $3.55. Paid 1.00 for use of church, leaving 2.85 clear.

The presiding President Mrs. H. N. Sholl escorted the new President, Mrs. J. W. Kirkpatrick to the chair, and with a few most appropriate remarks, turned the gavel over to her.

The Pres. appointed Mrs. Sholl, Mrs. Corse and Mrs. Travis members of the Advisory Board. The same to meet on Thurs. June 22nd at the Library.

The new Secretary was then called to her ___ after which the program for the afternoon was carried out.

Our two Home School graduates of the year read their most excellent papers.

Miss Pearl Corse, Honor graduate as to standing from the Palacios High School. Subject “The Work Accomplished by the Federation of Woman’s Clubs.”

Miss Frances Brown, Honor graduate as to Thesis from the Baptist College, Palacios. Subject – “The 20th Century Woman.”

Announcement of the meeting of the County Federation of Clubs to be held at Palacios June 9th was made and all were invited and urged to be present.

The presiding Pres. asked the Club to remain for a social visit at which punch and wafers were served. First part of minutes written by former Sec’y and to her report is added . The amt of money on hand at this date 12.57.

Motion to adjourn

Mrs. H. A.  Clapp, Secy

June 22 1916

The Advisory Board of the Collegeport Woman’s Club met for June 22nd at the Library. All members except Treas. present.

Work for the coming year was discussed and it was decided to take up a course of study as prepared by the University of Texas. Subject – “Sociology.” Motion was made and carried is that effect and the Secy was authorized to pay the sum of $10.00 to the Cor. Sec. The same is be sent to Austin to pay for material for the year’s study work.

Membership was discussed and a plan adopted to send letters to each old member asking for dues and assistance in the work of the coming year.

Motion was made and carried that the Cor. Secy and Secy prepare and send these letters, the funds necessary to be taken from the treasury.

Chairman for the various committees were appointed as follows
Membership – Mrs. Clapp

Health – Mrs. Sholl

Federation – Mrs. Van Ness

Library – Mrs. Sholl

All news items pertaining to Federation to be handed to chairman of that committee so that during the coming year, the club may be in closer touch with other clubs.

Suggestions as to Library work is to be made by Pres. Carried.

Entertainment for young people during the summer months to be planned and worked out.

Adjourned to meet at call of Pres.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp, Secy.

Aug 23, 1916

The Advisory Board of the Collegeport Woman’s Club met on Wed. Aug 23rd at the library. 5 members present.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Reports on committees called for.

Chairman of Library committee appointed the following members:

Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Duckworth, Mrs. Judin, Mrs. Wright

Our items for the year’s work rec’d from Austin and were fully discussed as was also ways and means of raising money.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sholl seconded by Mrs. Morris, that the club give an ice cream social to raise funds to buy shades for the school room windows.

Carrried. Sept 8th was decided on as to date (subject to change)

Place. Mrs. Kirkpatrick lawn (subject to change)

Publicity and soliciting committee for social was appointed as follows:

Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. Sholl, Mrs. Morris

It was decided to have the first meeting of the year an evening reception to be held at the Library Room by the members of the Advisory Board to members of the Club and their escorts. Invitations to be sent.

Motion was made and seconded that Mrs. Kirkpatrick be appointed a committee of one to inquire as to price of folders for the year book. Carried.

Motion was made and seconded that Mrs. Kirkpatrick by appointed a committee of one to order the folders. Carried.

Motion was made and seconded that the Pres. of the Woman’s Club be appointed to confer with the Pres. of the Woman’s Union to arrange for a farewell reception to be given Mrs. Herbage. Carried.

Motion to adjourn

Mrs. H. A. Clapp, Secy.

Sept 14-1916

The first meeting of the year was held as a reception on the evening of Sept. 14-1916 at the Library Room. 26 present: 16 members, 10 guests

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Also minutes of two meetings of Advisory Board were read and approved.

Reports of committees were called for.

Chairman of Membership presented name of Mrs. Heemer as a member. Moved by Mrs. Sholl seconded by Mrs. Van Ness that she be elected. Carried.

A communication from Bay City was read by Mrs. Corse giving the program for the Federation Meeting to be held in that city.

Delegates were appointed.

It was moved by Mrs. Corse seconded by Mrs. Sholl that Mrs. Duckworth be made one delegate. Carried.

It was moved by Mrs. Van Ness that Mrs. Travis be made the second delegate. Carried.

It was moved by Mrs. Morris that Mrs. Van Ness be made the third delegate. Carried.

Mrs. Sholl moved that new dues of 1.00 be paid to the County Federation. Seconded by Mrs. Corse. Carried.

Mrs. Liggett moved that the State Federation dues 3.25 be paid by the 1st of Oct. Seconded by Mrs. Roberts. Carried. Secy to draw orders.

Kone Social receipts – 10.20

The next meeting to be held Oct. 12th Leader Mrs. Kirkpatrick

Motion to adjourn.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp Secy.

Oct 12-1916

The first regular study meeting of the year was held at the Library Room on Thurs. Oct 12-1916. 11 members present.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Motion made by Mrs. Travis seconded by Mrs. Van Ness that bill for folders for the year be paid. Carried.

Secy to draw order for same.

Report of delegate to County Federation Meeting – Mrs. Duckworth.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick then told of the Smith-Lewis bill also of the medical examination for schools both of which subjects were discussed at the Federation meeting.

Motion under advisement in regard to taking the latter subject up by the club in our own schools.

Remarks about the Federation Meeting were also made by Mrs. Corse and Mrs. Nelson.

The next County Federation meeting to be held at Matagorda in Dec.

New Business: The name of Mrs. Heisey was presented by Mrs. Van Ness for membership to the club. Accepted.

Mrs. Van Ness proposed that mention of our Library be written and run for the next issue of “Handbook of Public Libraries,” which will be done.

Mrs. Van Ness, as chairman of the Federation Committee, read the creed and motion? of Woman’s Clubs.

The saving of old papers and magazine was discussed as a means of obtaining funds and all were asked to help.

The first program of the year was then lead by Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Subject – “Women Among Primitive Peoples.”

Mrs. Van Ness gave a reading on “Social Controls, Sex and Primitive Morality.”

Mrs. Travis – “Evolution of Marriage”

Attention was called by the Pres. to Sec III and IV of the By Laws.

Motion for adjournment to meet on Oct. 26th.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp Secy.

Oct 26-1916

The second meeting of the year was held Oct 26th at the Library Room – 9 members present.

Minutes of last meeting read and with one correction approved.

Reports of Committees called for.

Mrs. Sholl, chairman of Library Committee, reported on the Halloween Social to be held at the School Bldg on Oct 27th in conjunction with the school.

A motion was made by Mrs. Corse seconded by Mrs. Duckworth that the Pres. be appointed a committee of one to confer with a lawyer from Bay City or Palacios in regard to leading the meeting of the club on the fourth Thurs in Nov. Subject-“Woman’s Present Legal Status Under the Laws of Texas.” Carried.

The program with Mrs. Van Ness as leader for the afternoon was then carried out.

Subject – “Women in Greece and Rome and in the Early Christian Era.”

1st paper – “Women in Greece” – Mrs. Van Ness

2nd paper – “Woman: Her Position in Ancient Rome.” – Mrs. Clapp

3rd paper – “A Short History of Women’s Rights of the Roman Woman.” – Mrs. Duckworth

4th paper – “Position of Women Among the Early Christians and Attitudes of the Early Church Towards Women.” – Mrs. Liggett

5th – “Attitudes of Christ and St. Paul to Women of the Old and New Testament.” – Mrs. Heisey

Motion for adjournment to meet on Nov. 9.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp Secy.

Nov 9, 1916

The third regular meeting of the year was held Nov 9 at the Library Room. 7 members present.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Reports of Pres. on methods of canning and next program.

Moved by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Sholl that Mr. John Perry of Bay City be asked to give his talk on the evening of Nov 23rd. Carried.

Discussions as to best methods of publicity.

The Secy was authorized to draw check for all expenses incurred.

A brief report of the Library Committee was given by the chairman Mrs. Sholl as follows:

Books issued from July 1st to Oct 28 – 197

Fines paid – 52 cts

Money on hand July 1st – 75 cts

Bought ___ - 30 cts

            Bal 97 cts

Halloween Social Oct 27

Receipts 17.79

Expense  5.72

            Bal 12.07

Proceeds divided: Club 6.04  School 6.03

Election Dinner  8.40

Expense 3.15

            Bal 5.25

Bal on hand 12. 26

Chairman of Federation gave an item in regard to the Mother’s Congress, thus keeping in touch with the work of other clubs.

The delayed reference book was rec’d from Austin, check for expense of same drawn.

A motion made by Mrs. Sholl, seconded by Mrs. Van Ness that the regular program for Dec. 28th be postponed two weeks. The meeting for that date to be made a special Christmas one. Carried.

The program for the afternoon under leadership of Mrs. Sholl was then presented. Subject – The 18th and Early 19th Century Ideals of Women.”

1st topic: “The English Ideal of the 18th Century,” “Social Problems” – Mrs. Kirkpatrick

2nd topic: “Way Stations.” – Mrs. Sholl.

3rd topic: “The Emmancipation of English Women.” – Mrs. Corse

4th topic: “The American Woman of the Early 19th Century” “Why ____”  - Mrs. Heisey

Meeting adjourned to meet on evening of Nov 23rd.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp, Secy.

Nov 23rd 1916

The 4th regular meeting of the year was held at the Library Room on the evening of Nov 23rd.

31 members and guests present.

It was moved by Mrs. Corse, seconded by Mrs. Clapp, that our Club extend an invitation to the County Federation to meet with us in June. Carried.

Mrs. Corse was given authority to extend this invitation to the Executive Board at the next meeting of the Federation to be held at Matagorda in Dec.

Mr. John Perry of Bay City as leader of the evening’s program, gave an instructive talk on “Woman’s Present Legal Status Under the Laws of Texas.” Afterwards an opportunity was given to ask him questions and a number did so.

Mr. Perry refused to allow the club to pay his expenses and asked that instead a book be brought and given to the Library in his name.

A rising vote of thanks was taken to express to him appreciation of his talk.

Adjourned to meet on Dec 14th at Library

Mrs. H. A. Clapp Secy.

Dec 10th-1916

A special meeting of the Club was called at the Woman’s Union to elect delegates to the Matagorda meeting Dec 19th. Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Kirkpatrick were elected.

A. D. Van Ness Sec Pro-Tem

Meeting of Dec 14th postponed on account of weather.|

Dec 28th-1916

Regular meeting of the year, was held at the home of the President Mrs. J. W. Kirkpatrick for the afternoon of Dec 28th. 13 members present.

Meeting called to order by the Pres. who after disposing of the routine of business, called Mrs. Van Ness to the chair to preside, while two subjects of interest were presented by the president.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick moved that the expenses of the New Years “Open House” at the Library be taken from the Library fund. Seconded by Mrs. Morris. Carried.

It was then moved by Mrs. Kirkpatrick seconded by Mrs. Clapp that a flag pole for the school house be presented by the club to the school. The money for same to be taken from the Library fund. Carried.

The Pres. then took the chair and reports from the delegates to the County Federation Meeting at Matagorda were called for and responded to by Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Corse and Mrs. Kirkpatrick.

Motion to adjourn to meet on Jany 11th 1917 [18] at the Library Room after which a social hour was spent with refreshments served by the Hostess, Mrs. Kirkpatrick.

Mrs. H. A. Clapp, Secy.






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