First Presbyterian Church of Collegeport
Newspaper Articles


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Covered Dish Dinner To Be Held Sunday At Collegeport Church

The Presbyterian Church will have a covered dish dinner at the Mopac Sunday, February 7, following the morning service. Members and friends are cordially invited.

Mrs. Gus Franzen, Sr. and sons, James and Alex visited her daughter, Mrs. B. B. Bryan, and family in New Iberia, La. last week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wells had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck, Jr. returned to Houston Sunday where he is attending the University of Houston.

Mrs. Mae Perciville and son, Jack, visited her mother, Mrs. W. C. Dabney in New Gulf last week end.

Mr. and Mrs. John Carrick are confined to the Bayview General Hospital in Palacios.

Mrs. James Slone and baby son of Pasadena are visiting the proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ware and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Slone.

Palacios Beacon, February 4, 1954

Goals For Community Living Are Presented Collegeport Women

The Presbyterian Woman's organization of Collegeport met February 11 with Mrs. R. L. Corporon as hostess.

The Bible study from the book of Acts, "A Church of Ordinary People" was led by Mrs. Fred Law. The program "Christ Calls Us to Witness in Our Community" was given by Mrs. G. A. Franzen in the absence of Mrs. W. L. Ellis.

Some goals for good community living were presented, they were Education by Mrs. M. S. Holsworth; Health, Mrs. P. V. Corporon; and High Level of Personal Conduct, Mrs. Dean Merck. A lively discussion by club members was had on Churches contributions to a good life in the community.

Delicious refreshments were served to the following seventeen members, Mesdames Fred Law, John Carrick, Charlie Williams, Duane Corporon, A. G. Fitzgerald, Dean Merck, John Merck, L. A. Rein, Roy Nelson, M. S. Holsworth, Dave Bullington, Ellen Franzen, G. A. Franzen, Gerald Wells, P. V. Corporon, R. L. Corporon and Miss Margaret Holsworth.

The club meets the second Thursday of each month, this is the welcome.

Palacios Beacon, February 18, 1954

Collegeport Accident Sends 2 To Hospital

Three children were treated at the local hospital Saturday as the result of two car collision about two miles from Collegeport near the intersection of the pipeline crossing.

Nancy Bagley, 12, Sue Hixon, 14, and Sherry Wood, 14 months, were taken to the hospital for treatment in an accident involving Lottie Mae Crone and Bessie Beatrice Wood of Bay City. Mrs. Crone reported she was moving on the highway and was struck from the rear by the car driven by Mrs. Wood. The children were riding with Mrs. Wood at the time of the accident.

Four children riding with Mrs. Crone were injured but did not require hospital treatment, she said.

Palacios Beacon, March 4, 1954

Collegeport First Baptist Church

The First Baptist Church of Collegeport, with Rev. Billy Meeker as pastor, announces its schedule of services as;

10 A. M. - Sunday School
11 A. M. - Church Service
7 P. M. - B. T. U.
8 P. M. - Church Service

7:45 P. M. - Mid-week prayer service

7:45 P. M. - Bible Study and Sing Song

On the second Sunday of each month a Sing Song service will be held.

Palacios Beacon, March 18, 1954

Report Of Collegeport Presbyterian Church

The Woman's Union of the Collegeport Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Rob Wells on May 13th with 14 members present. Our meeting was called to order by our president, Mrs. Gust Franzen. Our Bible study in the book of Acts was led by Mrs. Fred Law, and the scripture was read by members of the Union.

Mrs. Dorothy Merck gave the prayer for the Missions.

Mrs. Law suggested that we answer our roll call at the next meeting with verses of scripture in our lesson.

We had a general discussion about furnishing the Manse for the summer while Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin are here.

Mrs. Nelson reported that supplies for the Missions were ready and packed. They will be mailed soon.

It was decided to use the love offering to pay for shower supplies.

Mrs. Rosalie Ellis gave a very interesting review of the book "Within These Borders" written by Mrs. John Scotford. It was about the Spanish speaking people.

Mrs. Wells served delicious refreshments of coffee, punch, cakes snacks and mints.

Palacios Beacon, May 20, 1954

Religious Services In Park Sat. and Sun. For Latin-Americans

Latin-American religious services will be held in the City Park at 4:00 p. m. Saturday and Sunday, September 11 and 12.

Bro. Guiomar Novaez, of Corpus Christi, a Baptist Missionary under the sponsorship of the Collegeport Baptist Church, will conduct the services.

All Latin-Americans are invited to attend the services.

Palacios Beacon, September 9, 1954

Women's Union of Collegeport Meets With Mrs. Roy Nelson

The Women's Union of Collegeport met September 9 at the home  of Mrs. Roy Nelson. Mrs. Dean Merck led by the Mission Study "Christ Is The Way" was the name of a prayer retreat conducted by Mrs. W. L. Ellis.

Refreshments of cake, coffee, and tea were served to the following members: Mesdames Dick Corporon, P. V. Corporon, W. L. Ellis, Gus Franzen, Dean Merck, Roy Nelson, Mae Perciville, Pat Richman Jr., Joe David Ruffin and Gerald Wells.

Palacios Beacon, September 16, 1954

Presbyterian Ladies Of Collegeport Hold Meeting

The Presbyterian Women's Union of Collegeport met October 14 at 2:30 p. m. in the home of Mrs. John Merck.

The meeting was opened by a short devotion and prayer led by the president, Mrs. Dean Merck led the Bible study entitled "A Generous Church." Mrs. W. L. Ellis gave an interesting review of chapters one and two of "Jeeptracks" by Helen Bailey which gave a personal account of the trials and triumphs encounterd by the author in her evangelistic work traveling by Jeep among the Telugu people of India.

Refreshments of coffee, punch and dainty assorted cookies were served the club members.

Palacios Beacon, October 21, 1954

Collegeport Ramblings

Mrs. Dean Merck will be hostess for the Christmas covered dish luncheon for members and friends of the Woman's Union and the Y. M. C. A. Council at 12 o'clock Thursday, December 16.

Members will bring gifts for exchange.

Mrs. Gustave Franzen, Jr. will give the "Littlest Angel."

The annual Christmas program and tree will be held at the Presbyterian Church at 7:30 Thursday night, December 23.

Palacios Beacon, December 9, 1954

Collegeport Women Hold Covered Dish Luncheon For Xmas

The Christmas covered dish luncheon sponsored by members of the Women's Union and Y. W. C. A. of Collegeport was held December 16 in the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Merck.

The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Merck. The beautiful silver Christmas tree dressed in the traditional colored ornaments and glowing lights with an array of gaily wrapped gifts and festive decorations at vantage points in the home added much to the spirit of the season.

The buffet was banked with green foliage and snow and on the wall over the buffet was a snow scene mounted in a picture frame. The dining table, covered with a bright red cloth, was the setting of a delicious lunch which consisted of roast turkey, dressing, creamed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, slaw, fruit salad, stringed beans, peas, Christmas congealed salad, pickles, rolls, coffee, cake and cookies.

Mrs. W. L. Ellis rendered the traditional Biblical story of the "Birth of Christ" and Mrs. Gustave Franzen told the 'Littlest Angel" by Charles Tazwell.

Christmas gifts were exchanged by those present, who were Mesdames A. A. Penland, Gust Franzen, Sr., Gustave Franzen, Jr., Gerald Wells, Fred Law, Duane Corporon, R. L. Corporon, P. V. Corporon, M. S. Holsworth, Pat Richman, Jr., Mae Perciville, Roy Nelson, Billy Halfen, R. L. Wells, L. C. Smith, W. L. Ellis, C. J. Williams, John Merck, Sr., John Merck, Jr. and Dean Merck, Sr.

Children present were Lynda Wells, Kenneth and Carolyn Corporon, Pricilla Richman and Debra Merck.

Palacios Beacon, December 23, 1954

Holly W. Osborne To Preach Sunday In Collegeport Church

A muchly decorated Army Captain of the last war will fill the pulpit of the Collegeport Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 20. He is Holly Wilfred Osborne, now a student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Mr. Osborne plans to return to the Army as an Army Chaplain when he completes his study for the ministry. He holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas.

He is married to the former Miss Jane Curry of Little Rock, Ark. They have one child.

Mr. Osborne is a native of Peru, Nebraska.

He will be preaching at the Collegeport church the third Sunday in December and January also.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1955

13 Members Attend Woman’s Union In Collegeport

The Woman’s Union of Collegeport met in regular session on November 10 at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williams. Mrs. Gustave Franzen presided over the meeting which was attended by thirteen members.

Mrs. E. A. Mixon led the devotional and prayer for our mission workers. Mrs. Dean Merck was in charge of the program “How to Strengthen Our Spiritual Lives.” All of the members participated.

A short business meeting was held. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. P. V. Corporon called the roll and each member answered with a Bible verse. The treasurer’s report was given by Mrs. Gust Franzen, Sr. Mrs. Roy Nelson brought the material which was purchased to make 10 surgical gowns. Various members volunteered to sew them.

Plans were made for the December meeting to be held at the R. L. Wells home when a covered dish dinner and Christmas program will be given.

The hostess served delicious coconut layer cake, chocolate squares, salted nuts and coffee to the following Mesdames P. V. Corporon, R. L. Corporon, W. L. Ellis, Gustave Franzen, Gust Franzen, Sr., Fred Law, Dean Merck, John Merck, John Merck, Jr. and Deborah, E. A. Mixon, Roy Nelson, Mae Perciville and Charles Williams.—Reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1955


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