African American Civil War Veterans

Campbell County, Kentucky


Recruiting Poster for African Americans to Join the Union Army

BASSETT, James William-Co B 113rd Pennsylvania Colored Troops

CANNON, Cornelius Green-23 Reg. Missouri Infantry Volunteers Company C

HUGHES, Jonathan Stamper-121st United Stated Colored Infantry

LUMPKINS, Beverly "Burl" James Jr. 23rd Colored Regiment Company E

LUMPKINS, George-102nd US Colored Troops

LUMPKINS, Washington-Private Co Co 9th Kentucky Cavalry

LUMPKINS, William-29th US Colored Infantry

McCLURE, John Waley-6th Kentucky Calvary

McCONICO, Henry-Private Co A 117th US Colored Infantry

MOORE, William-Private Co A 5th Arkansas Volunteer Infantry (African Decent)

NELSON, Major-114th Kentucky Infantry US Colored Troops

ROBINSON, Major-72nd US Colored Troops Infantry


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